Monday, January 19, 2009

Adios, AuRevoir, Auf Wiedersehn

About 450 days ago I added my George W. Bush countdown clock into the sidebar of my blog. Today there is just one day left on it. Being the president of the United States is a super stressful job, I don't know why anyone would want it. I do respect GWB, he must have some good qualities that got him this far. It couldn't all be riding on his father's coat tails could it? I thought he was excellent post 9/11 but once he got us into not one but two wars things snowballed downhill.
When I think of attributes of a president a most important one is that they should be able to speak sensibly, not make up their own words. He should put the needs of his country's citizens first, not special interests. He shouldn't need a handler so he doesn't come across as a doofus and get caught doing silly things like above.
While this
picture is a hoax it's not beyond the realm of possibility knowing him.
Obama may not be able to work miracles and what ever he does will take time but it has to be better than what we're leaving behind.

Adios, AuRevoir, Auf Wiedersehn


  1. hardly,....the storm is coming....America wont be the same come 2012. In fact, alot of us wont be here.....President Obama......pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze. As for Bush, one must remember that maybe he got us into the wars but only 4000 americans were killed as compared to the last democratic sponsored war of vietnam which cost over 58,000 lives. How easily we all forget............

  2. Yeah, I'm ready for a new dawn.

  3. Gman,
    You should know how differently wars are fought these days. Not much hand to hand combat hence less American lives lost. I won't forget the Vietnam war, I was a teenager the last years of it and saw the horror of it. While the numbers aren't even close to Vietnam every one of them is someone's son or daughter that didn't need to die in Iraq.

    I think the majority of the country is ready for a new dawn. Hard to believe there are still Bush supporters out there.

  4. I cannot be classified as a Bush supporter as much as I am a supporter of the conflicts that were begun to remove regimes that posted a threat to the US. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. This is quite smarter than Mr Obamas lets close Gitmo, stop waterboarding, pull out of Iraq and destabilize the whole region........

  5. Today From the inaugeration, most most memorable image will be a cleary saddened former President Bush climbing abourd the presidential helicopter to leave Washington.As he arrived at the Air Force base to be flown home, I realized he will always be my president.You can vilify him, you can hate him, you can make fun of him, but I dont care. He carried this country through 9/11 and struck back at those responsible despite those disillusioned americans who think world peace is a reality. He restored America's might and gave our enemies a reason to fear us. Sadly, he will probably never be remembered for this. But at his departure, I simply say, "Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"......

  6. Sorry, Gman, you are in the minority.

    I want to party like it's 1999 ... and Florida's stupid hanging chads hadn't happened.

  7. Gman,
    GWB may have been your president as well as mine but I didn't vote for him in either election.
    I really don't think our enemies are afraid of us. They seem to be killing us with the most unsophisticated methods.
    Let me put out here what I will remember Bush for.
    1. Aug. 6, 2001 while vacationing Bush was given intelligence about Bin Ladin determined to strike the US. His response, "ok, you covered your ass now." What was the date 36 days later? Sept. 11, 2001.

    2.With Bin Ladin trapped in Tora Bora the CIA asks for 800 Army Rangers to come and get him. Instead Bush outsources the job to Pakistanis, sympathetic to the taliban.

    3.How concerned was Bush about al Qaeda? Here's a quote from Larry Wilkerson fmr Chief of Staff to Sec. of State Powell. "We cherry-picked things to make it look like the president had been actually concerned about al Qaeda. They don't give a shit about al Qaeda."

    4. He invades Iraq scaring us with Sadam's WMD. Hhhmmm, there were none. He had no post plan for Iraq. There was no upgraded body armor or vehicle armor for our troops.

    5.Meanwhile he denies health care to 450,000 veterans, raises the cost of what health care they have. (I have an Army vet who served in Iraq in my family). He blocks the GI bill but his cronies at Haliburton and Blackwater make millions.
    6. Gitmo; three people convicted out of how many?
    7. Then there was Enron.
    8. Deregulates financial services, we end up with a credit and mortgage crisis. Banks that managed to stay in business during the Great Depression fell during the Bush administration. Those that did survive did so with seven hundred million in aide with no strings attatched. The auto industry gets no bailout because the unions are greedy.
    9. Bush lowered the air quality standards while in office.
    10. He again outsources the security of our ports to a company from Dubai.
    11. Katrina
    12. He leaves us 10 trillion in debt, with 2 wars, unemployment jumped from 4.2 to 7.2
    13. The median income is down $2,000. Six million more people live in poverty, 7 million with out health care.
    14. Lastly, where is Bin Ladin today?

    Certainly everyone is entitled to their opinions. I think we should agree to disagree.

  8. its ok, say what you want. I have my own intel.....and my boss says look out, the sky will be falling. I know its hard, but I am right and everyone else is wrong........I will bet my life on it...are you as brave..?????????

  9. Gman, I know you were once in the Air Force but didn't realize that veterans are kept in the intell loop. I need to speak to my Iraqi war veteran nephew. Maybe he will tell me what's coming.

  10. no my intel comes from a higher power........


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