Friday, December 19, 2008

Yeh, Happy Holidays

Nothing during this busy time of the year says Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Joyous Kwanzaa like a freaking cold.

I'm not talking about the little cold that allows you to still go on your with your daily life with a case of the sniffles. I'm talking about the cold that puts you down in the bed. The cold that sucks the energy out of you. The kind of cold that doesn't let you taste the fine dining that is a McDonald's fish
fillet with extra tarter sauce delivered to your bedside by your loving hubby. The kind of cold that makes you wonder how your head can be so packed solid with goo but still lets you have a runny, raw nose. The kind of cold that takes away any enjoyment in reading a good book, doing a crossword puzzle, watch TV or surfing the net. The kind of cold that you just lay in bed wishing you could go to sleep for a few days and wake up refreshed without the dry flaky nose. On that note I'm going to go and try and do just that.

Oh by the way, for your next cold try Puffs tissues with aloe and
Vicks in them. They are wonderful. They're soft on your sore nose and smell good although today I can't smell anything. Another good point is that your dog won't like the smell of them. Dogs are gross sometimes and my dog loves a good wet kleenex. Yuk. I'm always having to get them away from him or carry a bag around with me for the snotty ones. The Puffs with Vicks; he wants nothing to do with them so I can leave them all over my bed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Oh I hear ya. I have been sick for a week with that nasty stuff. Finally I feel better. But my nose, cough and voice still sound terrible.
    I ended up putting chapstick on my raw nose the other night out of desperation LOL.. it worked!
    Hope you feel better soon..I am finally getting my taste back.


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