Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday dawned with a high wind warning for western New York and it was very cold on our visit to Niagara Falls. I kept reminding Kevin to make sure Therese brought proper I.D. to get across the border into Canada and guess who was unprepared at customs? ME! I had my birth certificate but forgot my wallet so I had no photo I.D. We had to go inside to immigration where they ran a background check on me. I must have passed because they let me in. We didn't stay long at the falls, just long enough to take a good look and snap some photos. The wind was gusting over 60 mph and poor Therese, all five feet of her was getting blown around plus the mist blowing off of the falls was making everything wet so we left and went to the butterfly conservatory.

Hello there! Are you looking at me?

Every out of towner that visits Rochester will visit
Wegmans. It's a family owned grocery store that has gradually grown to several other states. Click the link, it's an impressive market. Open 24/7 363 days a year and it's the only place I can find my beloved Mallo Cups.

Just before they left to return to New York City.
We all had a nice time and Therese liked it here. She was so surprised that everyone is so nice here from waitresses to sales clerks as well as how large some houses are and how much open space there is. She's never lived anywhere other than NYC so it's a big difference.
I held it together when they left as I didn't want to make a scene or make Kevin feel bad for leaving but it was hard. I looked forward to his visit and am down over his leaving. I know, suck it up, cut the apron strings and all that jazz but damn I miss him.


  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I know the feeling. It was all I could do not to chase after the car when my kids left on Christmas day.

    On the bright side his girlfriend looks like a great gal!

  2. Don't fret my dear Summer, you are a mother and it is your natural instinct...Heck, my mother calls me at least twice a week to check on me and see how I am doing and I am nearly 40!Anyhow, now he has moved away and he has a pretty gal at his side and you have been as gracious as a mother can be...


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