Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Do

My how the years fly by. It seems like yesterday I went to bed as a newlywed and woke up this morning celebrating my 26th wedding anniversary. I clearly remember my 4th anniversary as I was very happy that I had now been married longer to my present husband than my first. Have all 26 years been blissfully happy? Nope, there were ups and downs, highs and one very low but we weathered the storm and with hard work the storm clouds cleared.
We've gone through seven cars, had three dogs, lived in our house 25 years, raised two great kids and our marriage is stronger than it has been. Tonight we went to our favorite restaurant and enjoyed a delicious steak dinner where I was presented with a gift bag. Now in all these years we've never given anniversary gifts since it's so close to Christmas. (why did we decide to marry so close to the holidays? I don't know and I picked the date.) In the bag was this watch which is perfect for me. I love different and funky things. How lucky am I?

I didn't get Hubby anything but will make up for that later ;)


  1. Happy Anniversary! 26 years is an accomplishment to be very proud of! I love the watch!

  2. Congrats indeed. After nearly 20 years for myself & the Mrs, I know exactly how hard it is to keep a marriage alive in this day and age...So 26 years is by far a major accomplishment!


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