Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trash or Treasure

I wish that my town taxes included garbage pick up. There are at least 5 different garbage companies that have customers in my neighborhood. This means that inevitably there is garbage out at the curb any day of the week. This includes the people that put their garbage out on Sunday for Wednesday pick up. I understand the right to choose your provider but I wish that they would get together and all come on the same day.My day is Tuesday and we put it out late Monday evening or Tuesday morning. When I was a kid the garbageman actually came into your garage to get your cans, over time you had to put them outside and today they must be at the street. I would just like to drive down my road one day and not see one's trash at the curb. Is that asking too much??


  1. That's weird there are so many providors. We have one and each neighborhood has the same trash day.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    We have the same problem. Like 5 companies to choose from...

    It's like you have to dodge trash cans just to get out of the subdivision!

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I've never heard anything like that. We have one provider for our whole city!

  4. Weird. I had to call and get bids for trash service at work once. Every provider I called very rudely informed me that "that's Waste Management's area". Apparently, since we have WM in our area, nobody else can (or will) pick up here.

    There's a reason I call them "Waste Mafia".

  5. It is very interesting that your neighborhood is serviced by so many providers. Someday it may only be serviced by one, if one of the 'waste mafias' come in. The Sopranos scenario really is pretty common.


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