Monday, August 25, 2008

In the garden

You know me, can't go long without pictures from the garden.

Above is crocosmia and this variety is called Lucifer. It's a brilliant scarlet color, maybe that's what gives it the name.
Above is a clematis taken from the underside of the flower.
Clematis is a climbing vine and this variety is Fireworks. What I like about it is that after the petals die off it leaves an interesting seed head.
One of my favorites; hydrangea. I have two varieties of these. Mop head which are the big rounded blooms and lace cap which is the flower above. What I like about hydrangeas is that they're one of the few blue flowers. Now this one obviously isn't blue more pinky/purple but my two mop heads are called Nikko Blue. You can actually change the color of the flower by adding aluminum sulfate to the soil. This will make pink flowers turn blue and blue flowers a deeper blue. Hydrangeas are sentimental to me. I've spend many vacations on Cape Cod and they seems to grow like crazy there. Every yard has them. One year I made hubby to go a nursery while on the Cape to purchase one. It was a small one which was a good thing as we had no extra room in the van for it. I had to hold it on my lap the 9 hours home. We call him little Nikko but he's big now. They also dry very well so every summer I hang some in the garage to dry and have them inside during the winter months.

We planted two tomato plants this year. One's a cherry tomato and the other is a beef steak tomato. The cherry tomatoes have been ripening slowly but now are really starting to turn. We have more than we can eat. The beef steaks are still green. When the cherry tomatoes were first maturing we'd get one or two a day and we noticed that when we would go out to pick them the next day, one of them or both would be gone! What animal eats tomatoes we wondered. A few days later hubby found some green ones out in the lawn. hhhmmmm. Then we caught the thief in action one evening. It was our dog Cody! He'd very gently pull them off the vine, gingerly carry them in his mouth out into the lawn and proceed to eat them. I thought it was hilarious, not hubby. Now we have so many Cody could eat them anytime but he no longer does. He got in trouble and learned his lesson. Can tomatoes make a dog sick?

Who me? Are you talking about me? Do I look like a tomato eater?


  1. Anonymous5:08 PM

    You have the most beautiful garden! So colorful.

  2. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Ooooo, love the pinwheel lookin' thing.

    Can't blame the dog...if those tomatoes were anywhere in my vicinity, they'd be gone.

  3. How cute! I would have never thought a dog would like them! Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!


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