Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today is the big day! My son Kevin has to travel to Buffalo to take the NCLEX test which is the RN licensing test. There were no openings available in our city soon enough to take it here. To work in a NYC hospital you must have your license where as other hospitals you can work as a graduate nurse for 90 days without it. Since his job at New York Presbyterian Columbia starts August 11 he needs that license ASAP.
He has been studying hard for it and I'm sure he'll do fine. The test is taken on a computer and you have to answer a minimum of 75 questions. For the RN test you can answer up to 265, for LPN 205 questions. The computer automatically scores the test and once you have answered enough questions to pass or fail it shuts down. Unfortunately it doesn't tell you if you passed or failed. Kevin will have 6 hours to complete the test. When he passes I can finally put my RN charm on my charm bracelet. Send him all your good vibes today!!!!

We bought him this!


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    WoooHooo Summer!

    Sending the young man all the good vibes today!

    Let us know how he did!

  2. You bought this for him? LOL!

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    cool. good luck vibes from me too! :)


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