Wednesday, July 16, 2008

At the Movies

Movies are a great escape especially in the summertime when it's hot and steamy outside. When hubby and are were going out and first married we would do movie night. The premise of the cineplex was relatively new. We would study the playing times and see which ones worked out so we could see a second flick after the first. We figured we were already inside why not see a double feature. An acquaintance once told me I was stealing from the theater. Hhhhmmmmm. I didn't feel too bad about it, I figured the money they made off us from the concession stand made up for it. Right or wrong, we did it. One night we saw Rain Man, Leviathan and 20 years later I can't remember the third film. I do remember my ass was sore from sitting so long. We haven't done that in many, many years but with the price of admission maybe it's time to try again.

The last movie we saw was Mongol. It was pretty good despite having subtitles. While it seemed like they did a lot of talking there'd only be 4 words to read so I wondered if maybe it lost something in the translation. I did some research on Genghis Khan and what little there is jived with the movie. I don't want to see the latest Batman movie. When I first saw a picture of Heath Ledger as the Joker about 8 months ago I knew I wouldn't be seeing it. He looks positively creepy and scary.E online had has an article about the 10 creepiest movie bad guys. Read it here. They left number 10 blank to fill in your choice. My pick wouldn't be an adult character but a kid. Macaulay Culkin's character from his movie The Good Son. That kid freaked me out so much I never thought I'd like to see a child killed in a movie but I'm glad this character was. What's your idea on the creepiest movie character??


  1. I heard about this on the radio today. The first character I thought of was their #7, Anton Chigurh from "No Country for Old Men".

  2. We "steal" from the theatres, too, and I like your reasoning w/how much they fricken charge at the consession stand I'll call it even! lol

    I want to see the new Batman movie, but I have to say I don't think anyone played a better Joker than Jack Nicholson. Guess I'll have to wait & see, huh.

    The creepy character I can't look at is the Linda Blair in Excorist. I can't even watch the movie! I tried, on a few occasions, but it creeps me out too much I just can't do that to myself b/c my minds eye is a bright one!

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    omg..I had forgot about that good son movie. that was horribly creeeeepy. that kid really did a good job of acting but it scared me half to death!


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