Monday, June 30, 2008

It's Official

A big weekend here at graduation central. The day started out with a few raindrops during picture taking and turned into a deluge on the way to the ceremony. I thought the day was lost but when we walked upon completion of graduation the sun was shining.

Here's the man of the hour with me out in the backyard.
We're lucky to be able to get the Eastman Theater for graduation. The inside is beautiful, here's the ceiling and chandelier. The theater was built with money from George Eastman, founder of Eastman Kodak.
Cam and his friend who had the heart transplant almost 2 years ago. She had us very worried but today she's healthy and will be attending nursing school at the University of Pittsburgh. They've been friends since kindergarten and had sleep overs at each other's houses until 6th grade.

Another friend since kindergarten. He was a speaker at graduation. Both of them have a quirky personality, right down to their choice of footwear. This is such an exciting time in their lives. While Cam just graduated 2 days ago, already he's overnight at his college orientation. The house is so quiet without him.


  1. Congratulations to your son!s

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I am glad the rain went away and that the big day was a success!
    This is tough isn't it? Letting our boys go? :)

  3. Did you give him a coupon for an eye tattoo as his present?

    Hallie :)


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