Thursday, April 03, 2008

You know that Alice Cooper song from 1970 entitled Eighteen?
No? Am I showing my age here? Well here are some of the lyrics.

I'm a boy and I'm a man
I'm eighteen and I LIKE IT
Yes I like it
Oh I like it
Love it
Like it
Love it
Eighteen and I LIKE IT

My son is 18 years and 3 days old now. He came home from tennis practice tonight and said, "Mom, I bought something you probably won't like. A cigar."

"Why?" I asked

"Because I'm 18 and I can " was his answer. So his father helped him light up.

Of course he couldn't resist goofing around.
This is the strangest picture to me.

No I take that back, this is the strangest picture ever!


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I still can't get over the pg man.. that is too f*ing freaky..

    Heh..about your son..and being 18.. gawd that seems like a long time ago! and yes I remember that song!

  2. Of course I remember the song. Seeing your son with the cigar is weird. I hope that he didn't enjoy the experience.

    As to the other picture, that situation is just too weird for me. I mean, if he wanted to have a baby why did he want to live as a man? However, I think that the biggest weirdness for me is his marriage; if he is still a female down below ... um .... well ... the marital bed must be an interesting place. Also, I'm wondering if he'll change the equipment out once he hsas the baby.


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