Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fear of Flying

See all that white crap on the weather map? The city I live in is under it on the shore of Lake Ontario. Today we have a winter storm warning, expecting possibly 12 inches of snow, cold temps and wind that will blow said snow around. Normally this kind of weather doesn't faze me in the least. After 40 some years of living in it one gets used to it.

What makes me uneasy this time is that number 2 son is flying in from Florida this evening. He'll get out of Orlando okay but I'm worried he will be stranded at JFK in New York City. Not to mention that the pilot has to fly in this crap. I myself am an uneasy flier. While I'm not petrified like some I don't enjoy it. I don't like the bumps, the banking, the speed up slow down, taking off or landing. Hmmmm, there's not much left to like. That being said I am very anxious today about Cameron flying home tonight. If he gets stuck somewhere please let it be in Orlando.

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