Monday, February 11, 2008

Dogs Rule

I am a dog lover. I don't really understand how someone can not have a dog. Sure they can be a hassle sometimes. They shed,they poop,they bark, the stink sometimes, they get in the garbage, are dependant on you for everything and can sometimes be oh, so very gross. But the rewards you reap in return are priceless. A dog knows when you're sad or not feeling well and gives you that little extra attention to make you feel better. They protect you, greet you at the door when you come home like you've been gone for weeks and love you unconditionally. It's proven that petting a dog releases the feel good chemicals in your brain and lowers your blood pressure. From Winky, my very first dog when I was a kid to Cody the dog I have now and the 3 dogs in between, Charlie, Sam and Shelby, I've loved every one of them and treated them like a loved and valued member of the family.
Tonight I'm watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show and enjoying all the different breeds.

Some are cute...

some are beautiful...

some are so ugly that they're cute...

some have haircuts that no self respecting dog would want ...

and some are just plain strange looking...

but the one thing they all have in common is that they all look so happy to be there. I'm such a sap when it comes to children, old people and dogs. The Pedigree dog food commercials are making me tear up. The

voice over for most of them is David Duchovney (sexy Mulder of X-Files fame) but the best one is narratted by Trace Atkins and stars Lennox Lewis and a homely bulldog. We saw how this commerical came to fuition on Celebrity Apprentice. If you are also a dog lover I urge you to go to and donate what you can to help dog adoptions. Pedigree will match the donations up to a quarter of a million dollars. Please click here.

And then there's my dog Cody.

These two dogs look like they're trying to tell me something.

I hate when Blogger does this to my posts. I don't know how to fix it. Please scroll down to leave a comment. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a total dog person too. And coinky-dinky, I made a dog post today too.


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