Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Years Day

I just finished watching the Rose Parade and while I'm not a parade watcher at all I do enjoy this one. Mostly because I'm flower crazed. The floats are amazing, the marching bands with their precision are awesome and the horses adorned with their fancy saddles and tack are just beautiful. But I'm still afraid of them. This parade is on my to visit and to do list for the future. I'm not a football watcher so I won't be watching the Rose Bowl, son number one says USC will beat Illiniois. Speaking of USC, this university was recruiting son number two and what they don't tell you is that the cost of attendance is $49,800 per year. Yes, for one year. Even with scholarship money it's out of the realm of possibiity. How do people do it?
What I will (and am) watching is the Buffalo Sabres play outside on a rink built on the Buffalo Bills playing field in Ralph Wilson Stadium. I'm so excited for this! I'm a rink rat from way back. I'd love to be there, it's only 60 miles away but 73,000 tickets went fast and are sold out. It's typical western NY weather with snow falling and the wind chill at 20 degrees. Ryan Miller, the Sabres goalie is wearing a tuque.
I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions but I am going to make a concentrated effort to keep the house picked up and to eat at least a little bit healthier. We'll see, ask me a month from now.
I hope everyone has a 2008 that is happy, healthy, safe, prosperous and peaceful. As for me, I'm not getting dressed today. Hhhmmm, starting off the new year being lazy.


  1. $49,800 per year!?! Holy crap! I would need a much better job to afford that.

    As far as the tuque goes, I'm sure glad you had a link to tell me what it was. I'd heard the word, but had no idea what it was.

    I'm watching the History Channel today. I'm not a football watcher at all.

  2. Usually, the only parade I watch is Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This year, we only caught about 45 minutes of it.

    Today was a pretty lazy day for me as well. I was 'dressed' for about two hours today, though I never left the house.

    I watched a few programs on that I had TiVo'ed. Tonight, we plan on watching some schlock: "Planet Terror". The perfect kind of flick to end a lazy holiday season with.

    Happy New Year!

    P.S. $49k ... is that just tuition, or does that include r&b? Either way: yikes!


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