Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Perfect Storm?

Today is the calm before the storm. We're expecting a real nor'easter here in the northeast. The weather prognosticators are predicting anywhere from 15 to 25 inches with winds at 35 mph and calling it a blizzard. It sounds like it's shaping up to be a bad one. Of course we're used to snow, wind and cold here. Living on the shores of Lake Ontario we get lake effect snow all the time but admittedly this will be worse. Thank goodness it will hit on Sunday when most people will not be working. I may get a snow day from school out of this. I'll say it again though, it's way too early for this, it isn't even officially winter yet. I plan to go to the library for a good book today, hit Blockbuster for a movie and get the fixins to make a big pot of chili with corn bread.


  1. But, but, but ... We had nasty snow in the Boston area on Thursday. I don't want any more. It needs to wait until January. I'm with you. It is WAY too early for this nonsense.

  2. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! A good movie and a big pot of chili sounds heavenly!


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