Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veteran's Day

I was thinking about CWO Michael Varnado over the weekend. He is the soldier on my MIA/POW bracelet that I paid 5 bucks for in the early 1970's. I've never been to Washington D.C. before so I've not seen the Vietnam Memorial there but I have seen the Moving Wall when it came to our city. When I found his name I noticed that it had a cross after it. I decided to inquire about him in 1991 though the National League of Families Of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia. They replied to my letter stating that CWO Varnado's remains had been returned to the USA on April 28, 1989. I was told that the cross symbolized his status of MIA and that later that year a diamond shape will be engraved over it showing that he has been repatriated.I googled Michael Varnado yesterday and found more information about him and his capture. My heart started beating fast when up came his picture. I could put a face with the name. He was born on Sept. 10, 1948 in Natchez, Louisiana. He was piloting a Huey when it was shot down. Please click on his name and read about his ordeal.
After reading this article I followed the trail to a newspaper article from Monroe, Louisiana stating his family including his mother and former wife had donated some of Michael's items to the Aviation and Military Museum of Louisiana.

1 comment:

  1. that is so totally awesome. I love to read stuff like that that has a connection.


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