Monday, November 26, 2007

Don't hate me because I...

have 90% of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped!
I can't believe it myself. My sisters and I went shopping the day before Thanksgiving and got some great deals. Everything I bought was on sale and we also picked out our own gifts from each other. Yes I know, what fun is that? but I'm over being surprised. I had a red leather wallet on my list, not just any style, this way I got just what I wanted and won't have to do an exchange after. As far as wrapping goes, usually I do it a few days before the holiday but the urge just hit me and said, "wrap now!"
The hardest people on my list to buy for; my parents. Every year they say, "don't get us anything" but I can't do that. I had a brilliant idea this time, Andre Rieu, a Dutch violinist and orchestra conductor they love is coming to our city in May. I'm going to get them tickets! So, I'm over visiting them and my mom says so excitedly, "Guess what! Dad and I going to see Andre Rieu! We just ordered the tickets!"
WHAT??!! Ok, now they aren't getting anything. But of course I will. Maybe a gift certificate to the Cheesecake Factory and I'll pick them up and chauffeur them to dinner and the concert.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    90% Geeezus, you've been one busy girl!

    I got 0% done....bought or wrapped!


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