Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Love Story

This is a story about a young man who lived and went to school in New York. During his college days he was in the co-op program, meaning he went to school for 3 months then worked at a job in his field of study for 3 months, school, work, school, work...

Also in this story is a young woman living in a very small town in Ohio with her parents and brothers.

This young man had a friend he met while working his co-op job in Ohio who set him up on a blind date with the young local girl.

The met, they dated and 10 weeks later they were married. This was August 17, 1957. They spent the first years living between Ohio and New York, finally settling in NY. Yesterday on August 17, 2007, my parents along with their 3 children and spouses, 4 grandchildren and her two brothers and wives, celebrated 50 years of marriage.

My father was in college at the time and didn't have money for an engagement ring. Soon children came along as well as a mortgage and the expenses of life and living. During dinner last night my father surprised my mother with the engagement ring that she never received 50 years ago.

We took them out to a beautiful restaurant on the lake where we wined and dined them then returned to my sister's home to celebrate with a wedding cake and champagne. We spent the evening listening to stories of their married life together as well as stories about my mother and uncles growing up.

My parents have nurtured and taught us three girls how to grow into responsible adults and have inspired us in our married lives today. They have helped us become the people we are today.

Thank you Mom and Dad and Happy Anniversary!

I love you!

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