Thursday, July 26, 2007

Someone I love was nine months pregnant with her first child and at a family picnic. After dinner she didn't feel well so she asked her husband to take her home. On the way home she said, "maybe you should take me to the doctor's office". At the office the doctor took one look and gave her shot of something to slow down her labor and said, "I'll meet you at the hospital in Fremont." (Ohio). So off they went and ended up with a police escort. The husband has always said that he would've gotten there sooner without the cops. Anyway, just 15 minutes after she arrived at said hospital, her impatient baby came into the world...
and that baby was me!


  1. Wow! What a cool story to be able to share!
    Is it your birthday today? or when?

    Gawd.. I would love me one of those cupcakes right now:)

  2. Hi Sandi,
    It was my birthday on that day, July 26. And yes, those cupcakes look yummy :)


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