Monday, July 09, 2007


Ice Road Truckers; the most boring show on TV. So they drive a truck across frozen water. How exciting can that be. To be honest I only watched it once for 30 minutes, that was enough. If I want to watch a bunch of unkempt guys in need of a shower and shave I'll go watch Deadliest Catch. I will say that I am addicted to this show. Yes, it seems to be the same thing over and over... throw in the pot, pull out the pot, sort the crab, try not to get washed overboard etc. But, at least there's some action like huge waves, big ugly crab and they all seem to have a personality as opposed to Ice Road Truckers. The little I saw, they just bitched and complained.
Another show I've found since The Soprano's has ended and Desperate Housewives is on hiatus is Gene Simmons Family Jewels. In case you don't know who he is Gene is the founding member of the 1970's group KISS. (My teenage decade) I stumbled upon this show by accident but was hooked immediately. I guess I was expecting something flamboyant but like Ozzie Osborne, Gene Simmons is remarkably low key at home.

Neither one of them are loud and for the most part calm. A far cry from their frenetic stage presence. That's where the similarity ends. More of Ozzie's hard rocker persona is evident in his home life from the way he dresses to how their home is decorated. Sharon runs the house and his empire. Gene Simmons runs every aspect of his business and is always looking for ways to make more money. Shannon Tweed his partner of 23 years and mother of their 2 children rules the roost but like any smart women lets Gene think he does. He's a very hands on dad, involved with his children, going to their activities and is a very protective (maybe too much so) father.

So that's my television review for today. Nothing else is new and exciting around here.

1 comment:

  1. lol I have caught that show a couple of times and I, too think it's cool. Who would have thought gene simmons would have an halfway decent show. lol I like it better than the Osbornes.


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