Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I am a saver of newspapers. My great-grandmother had saved the newspaper from when the Titanic sank. My parents have it today but it is so brittle you really can't open it and read it fully. The first newspapers I saved are from 1972 when 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were killed by a Palestinian organization. I'm not sure exactly why I save them. Maybe someone can use them someday.

Between my family and Sean's who were also newspaper savers, we have the papers from the JFK assassination, moon landing, Nixon resignation, space shuttle accidents, US hockey team wins the gold medal and other historic events. Today I have another newspaper to add to the collection.

So many questions arise from this senseless shooting. How could this school not have a plan for lock downs? I work in an elementary school and we have a lock down plan and practice it twice a year. Our high school has one and last year they were in a lock down for 4 hours. Of course the gunman could have been locked in as well.

I understand that Virginia Tech is a huge school and it would be extremely difficult to put a plan into motion but some thought needs to go into one. Not just VT but all colleges and universities. Whether it be sirens on campus or police driving through the streets announcing on their PA systems. In reality, could anything have averted this killing spree? The shooter seemed very determined.

I don't have the answers but considering that these shootings happened 2 hours apart I'll leave you with a quote I saw on CNN that came in as an email from a student. I didn't get his name. "They close the school for snow but not for murder?" In that 2 hour time span could school have been cancelled?

1 comment:

  1. The whole thing is senseless. So many questions. I feel horrible about this whole thing. Having a college age child I keep thinking..this could happen anywhere. Good post :)


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