Saturday, April 14, 2007

I need to play the lottery to win the lottery

I watched an interesting show the other night, maybe it was Dateline, I suffer from CRS (can't remember shit) anyway, it was about a man that won the Powerball lottery and all the problems that came about because of the money. The worst being that he was very generous with his money to his teenage grandaughter. She ended up becoming addicted to drugs and was eventually murdered.

I got to wondering what I would do with all of the money if I won. While money is nice and I wish I had more I'm not really materialistic. Back to the topic, what would I do if I had more money than I could ever spend? I'd make sure that my children were taken care of. I'd like to think that we raised them to be productive members of society and not live the high life off the money. I'd take care of the rest of my family, my parents, sisters, nieces, nephews on both sides of the family. None of my friends are loaded, I have a list of people I'd help to pay off or buy a home, maybe college for their children. I'm a sucker for children and old people and animals so much money would be shared with some appropriate charities. I'd make some smart investments, then think about what I'd want. Here's my wish list.

For the summer I'd like a nice beach house on Cape Cod. I've been at least 20 times and always camping. A place where I could spend all summer, be dry when it rains, have a kitchen to cook in and sleep in a real bed...HeavenA nice car to drive around in.

A winter home someplace warm, preferably not in a hurricane zone. Having lived my entire life in the northeast where the winters are COLD, what a luxery to be in the sun and warmth. With a beach right out my back door. I can look for seashells in the morning. Heaven

I love New York City although I don't think I'd want to live there for more than a few months at a time. It would be nice to have a an apartment overlooking Central Park that I could drop into whenever the mood struck me. Heaven

Another nice car to tool around in. Suits me perfectly.
What would you want?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What do I want?

    Personally for me, all that I want is to be the best possible provider for my family. It's true, that sometimes I feel that I am falling short of this, not bringing in as much bacon as I would like, but we must learn to accept a "comfort level" with where we are in life and move on. Yes, I could work a second job, many people do. And, it just may come to that. I guess what we need to do from time to time is step back and look in the mirror. As for me, I see the reflection of a man with a very sexy, intelligent, fun loving wife (with bad, 2 boys that any father could not be more proud of...strong, healthy, smart. I live in a middle class home in a middle class neighborhood with my 2 cars, 3 bedroom house and a dog. I have alot to be thankful for. But mostly, what I'm thankful for is my marriage to a wonderful woman, who not only has the gift to bring joy to everyone she meets, but also has the sexiest tootsies you'd ever lay eyes on...if you're into that sort of thing (see her other

    So, what do I want?? I want to live a long full happy life knowing that I can bring just a fraction of joy to other people, as they bring oodles of joy to me.

    My epitaph should read, "Here lies a man who through his own trials and tribulations was able to bring so many people happy memories and make them smile and laugh, if only for a moment"

    I am......"Summer's Hubby"


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