Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Let me introduce you to our television. I love my television. It's a Sony Wega Trinitron 34" We bought it a few years ago when our 28" Sony bit the dust.
We debated going the HD route or not. The high def models were just coming out and were pretty expensive. We decided to spend all our tax refund on it since our former Sony lasted 15 years. At that time there were maybe 1 or 2 channels that broadcast in high definition.
Finally the high-def decision is paying off. More and more channels are broadcasting in high-def. High-def is wonderful and I hate to watch programs that aren't in HD. The only bad part is no more television in bed. I have to stay up and watch in the living room if I want the HD.
We hated the stand that the TV came with so Sean designed and built this entertainment center himself. It's in two pieces and is built around the stand. The TV weighs a ton. Ain't no one gonna steal this baby.
(Have had that happen once)
On another note, if Sanjaya doesn't get his butt voted off of Idol this week, I swear I can't watch it anymore. The hair alone is enough to kick him off.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That's a nice stand! (For a nice tv! hehe) YOu need to get another tv now....one for you rbedroom....


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