Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Do Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?

Despite all the blonde jokes, for many years I wanted to be a blonde. My two younger sisters are blondes. I was always the dark horse.
It seemed to me that all the beautiful women were blonde. The boys liked blondes. I wanted to be blonde.
Several years ago, well maybe more like 17 years ago, I finally went blonde.
For about 4 months. I hated it.
I discovered that blondes do get more attention. Now if you know me, you know that I don't really enjoy the attention being on me. Bridal showers, wedding and baby showers were hard for me being the center of attention. I like to sit back and observe but will speak my mind when I feel the need.
When being blonde brought me more attention,(more guys looked) it wasn't all that great. My skin tone isn't right for light hair. A fair skinned, freckled, green eyed blonde looked odd to me. I knew I wouldn't stay blonde for long. The event that made up my mind to go back to dark was a guy at work. Said man came up to me and said, "I bet you're not a true blonde and I'd love to find out." I looked at him for a minute, not sure where he was going, he worked with me, he knew I wasn't a true blonde. I must have looked quizzical because then he said, "all of your hair isn't blonde." I was speechless. Why would he say that? This was in the days before sexual harrassement policies were established and I worked for a utility company that was 80% male.
I didn't know how to respond, I just walked away. That weekend I went back to dark , auburn hair. It's me.
Another man at the same company came up behind me while I was sitting at my desk and preceeded to rub his hard self up against my back. I stiffened right up and said, "Do not ever do that to me again." I was my natural color at this time. These were not men that I was friends with, just work aquantances. The most unbelieveable thing was that my father worked for the same company and they both knew him. Not only that but Sean worked there, still does and they knew him as well. What were they thinking? I've never told my father about these incidents. Why upset him? He would've been furious that they spoke like that to his little girl. Not only that but Sean worked there and still does. I didn't tell him for many years. It wasn't worth upsetting him either. I didn't need him to defend me. It just amazed me that they thought that was okay.
Blonde Hair Facts:
Only 2% of the worlds blondes are naturally blonde.
Finland has the most natural blondes.
Blondes have the thinnest hair strands.
Blondes have the most strands of hair.
Blondes go gray faster.
My sisters have more gray hair than me. I have my revenge.
Famous Blondes:
Grace Kelly
Marilyn Monroe
Claudia Schiffer
Sharon Stone
Goldie Hawn
Pamela Anderson
Princess Diana

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