Monday, January 01, 2007

It's 2007

It's the first day of 2007 and it's grey and dreary as it tends to be in this part of the world. I think I will stay in my jammies all day today. I swear I have to move some place where the sun shines on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be tropical or even warm. Ok, warm would be nice, I would be happy with temps in the 60's during the winter. But sunshine is my ultimate goal. I just watched the Rose Parade and now I want to move to Pasadena. I swear if Sean had a job that wasn't sooo specialized and he could find the same line of work somewhere else, we'd be out of here. I'd like to go and visit my parents in Florida for a week this winter but Number 2 needs to take Driver Ed. in school this spring and it costs us $385. for the class.

I do think that 2007 will be a good year if only for the silly fact that I like odd numbers. When asked to pick one, I always go odd and always pick tails in a coin toss. My house number is odd but my phone number with area code has 7 even numbers in it. I was born on an even day in an even year. But I'm not into numerology. I just like odd numbers for some strange reason. I'm not sure why I just wrote that, it cannot be interesting to anyone but me.

Back to 2007 (I'm not into making resolutions; I just can't seem to keep them and that's discouraging to me.) but this is what I'm looking forward to. In no particular order, here's my list. SPRING. I know winter just started but I miss my garden and seeing things grow. Helping my students get through the rest of 5th grade. Working in special education has its ups and downs but there is nothing more satisfying than getting through to a student that's struggling. Helping a friend through tough times. Enjoying my family and friends. A trip back to the 1000 Islands in NY. Improving my health, I swear my body feels 90 years old somedays. At least my mind feels 25.

My wish for you is that 2007 will be the best year yet of your life. Free from sadness, fear, prejudice and stupidity.

1 comment:

  1. I need to link to this blog.

    Come to texas. It is freakin hot most of the time down here.


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