Tuesday, October 31, 2006


We have abundance of squirrels in our neighborhood. With the woods next to our house we get all kinds of woodland creatures in the yard. Rabbits, skunks, raccoons, white tail deer, fox, wild turkey and the evil squirrel. They torment our dog from up in the trees, they eat at our bird feeder and dig holes to bury nuts in the garden. I sort of have a love - hate relationship with them.

Today I was driving to school and was going slowly down the road, about 20 mph. While I am normally a fast driver this particular road is a route that many kids use to walk to school. So while I was driving I see on the side of the road a squirrel. This squirrel was sitting up on his hind legs waiting for me to go by. I'm getting closer and I swear it made eye contact with me. Ok, it has me in it's sights and it will stay put. Well no, it didn't. At the last minute right as I got up to it the silly thing ran out in front of me and I hit it. I'm thinking that this squirrel had a death wish and committed suicide with me as the accomplice.

On this same road I once had a cat run out and go under my truck. There were some kids that were chasing after the poor thing. Since you never know what a child will do I am almost at a stop while they are running near the street. Next thing I know the cat has run under my truck and won't come out. I have to get out and coax it out. After 3 or 4 minutes I get it to come out so I can continue on my way.

I think I need to find a different route to work.


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Speaking of squirrels, a while back an insurance company, I think GEICO, had a commercial with a squirrel running across a road in front of a car. The car crashes into a tree, and the squirrel, now on the other side of the road, is shown doing high fives with another squirrel!! Sorry, Summer, but the booger that made you hit him, made me think of that!

  2. Squirrels are evil Dwight! :)

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Yes, but they can be fun to watch, especially when they are stealing food from our birdfeeders


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