Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My nest is half empty. Number one son is away, a junior in college. His career choice requires 6 years of college. Number two son is a junior in high school. Soon we will begin the college search again. Some parents enjoy that part. I do not. I find it stressful. Mostly because I know we can't afford their dream schools. #1 son's first choice was a 40,000 per year university with stiff competition. He applied and was accepted. We couldn't send him. He's happy with his second choice and likes the university he attends. It has a well known and successful nursing program. In less than two years our baby will be away at school, then the nest will empty of chicks but mom, dad and the dog will still be feathering it. I've been told not to fret over it, they always seem to come home to roost for a while after college. The rub is that by then you like having your house to yourself with your own schedule. We'll see.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Of course, when they have kids of their own, guess who they will want to babysit!!

  2. Dwight, I'm up for that just not for a few more years though!

  3. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Well, unless either of the sons let the hormones get the better of them, you should have at least 5 to six years before number one son wants your babysitting services!


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