Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going on Vacation

We're leaving for vacation tomorrow. The first time ever without the kids. Just Sean and me. Alone. Together for 24 hours a day. For 6 days. It will be nice but strange. We've been away together for weekend getaways but never away this long without the kids. Will we still like each other by the time this is over? I hope so, I'll let you know.

We're going camping. Summer going camping you wonder. Yes, I've been camping for 40 years, 22 of them with Sean and with kids for the last 15 years. We go to the 1000 Islands region on the St. Lawrence River in NY. This is a special place to both Sean and I. When we were kids unbeknown to us we each spent time there every summer just 20 minutes down the road from each other. We probably saw each other in the ice cream parlor. We will be camping in our tent camper and living outside for most of the time. Now I will admit, I'm pretty prissy about things. I hate insects. I need to have a nice, fluffy, king size bed, my own bathroom, hair dryer etc. but where we camp at a small park on the river it has no electricity on the sites. That means no lights or TV. Electric in the bathroom but that's it. It doesn't seem like me to basically live outside for a week without modern conveniences but I enjoy it. It is a time to relax and recharge. It's very peaceful. We spend our days fishing, reading, swimming and being lazy. At night there are no lights or TV but campfires and bright, twinkling stars. The evening is spent watching for shooting stars and satallites. See you in a week.

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