Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The northeast has been pounded by rain the past few days. This was in front of our house after one of the storms but was really nothing compared to other areas.

This is Beebalm but I call it the fireworks flower, I think it sort of looks like one. Speaking of fireworks, I love them. I especially like to be almost underneath them laying in the grass. I also clap for the really good ones. I have no idea why, its not like the firework "shooter offers" can hear me. Pretty stupid. If I play my cards right I can see fireworks 3 or 4 nights in a row around the different towns but dislike the traffic involved more than I like the show so just one display will be it for me. Although I did see some last weekend down at the lake.

Now that I am foot loose and fancy free with no school I like to sit out in the swing and wait for the hummingbird. He/she loves these flowers.

Won't you be glad when I photographed every flower I have? Sorry, I can't help it, they are good for the soul.

The recent rains have really wreaked havoc with my garden but the daisies take a licking and keep on ticking. They're a very strong flower and hold up well to hard rain and hot sun. And to quote from a movie "they're such a happy flower"
Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail.

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